The talk: Emerging industry and technologies of power

There is little doubt that geopolitics is tightening its grip on international business and R&D. In this talk, Henric will give a deeper understanding of what trends and insights companies and universities should take home in a world with global competition.

Watch it now!

Emerging industry and technologies of power - Henric Johnson at myConf 2024

Watch a recording of Emerging industry and technologies of power by Henric Johnson, published after the conference.

About Henric 

Henric Johnson is a professor of Computer Science at Blekinge Institute of Technology (BTH) and the Global Head of Science and Innovation at Business Sweden. He is an academic entrepreneur with many years of applied experience in industry and academia (and the collaboration between the public and private sectors). In addition, he has recently been a Diplomat and the Swedish Science and Innovation Counsellor to the U.S.

He is a member of the European Commission expert group on support for the strategic coordinating process for the Partnerships under Horizon Europe, Roskilde University's board of directors, and the University of Colorado Boulder’s external advisory board for research and innovation. Henric has been a visiting professor at Stanford University and a former senior Wallenberg-Vinnova fellow at the Nordic Innovation House in Silicon Valley. Professor Johnson has also been part of the Stanford Academy Leadership Program and the Stanford Fellow program.

Henric has been an academic leader for several years in the position of Pro Vice-Chancellor (Prorektor) at BTH. He has also been the Director of the Center for Electronic Security and an initiator of the Blue Science Park.

Get to know Henric even more on his LinkedIn page.

Why I look forward to this talk

Many years ago, when I worked half-time in academia, giving lectures, etc., I always had the feeling of being too much of a doer and entrepreneur. When working as a consultant for 35+ years, I’ve also felt a bit too academic from time to time. Not a good match at any place, eh?

Anyway, when thinking about our next speaker, Henric Johnson, I realize that *he* fits in everywhere. For example, as a professor at Stanford, a Swedish Diplomat in Washington D.C., and the Global Head of Science and Innovation at Business Sweden. More importantly, I also realize that interesting things are often happening there, “in the middle”, where different perspectives meet. Whether it’s academia and business, or tech and business, or… Where there is friction, the outcome might be very interesting!

Henric is a new acquaintance of mine, but hopefully a long-lasting one! The first time we met was at a defense conference where I named him “the speaker of the day”. :) Not that I have ever done that before when going to a conference, but this time Henric stood out so clearly and had a super interesting message.

No pressure Henric, but the attendees and I are sooo looking forward to your talk! Very welcome to myConf 2024!

/Jimmy Nilsson, CEO and Consultant at factor10